why not go to buy some high power wifi scrambler

Many mobile devices, especially smartphones, become more and more dangerous for American drivers over time. Governors Highway Safety Association conducted a study of approximately 350 scientific articles to measure driver distraction while driving. The result can be a little shocking.While you may be distracted from eating, drinking, talking to your passengers, applying makeup, music, and other things, cell phones and smartphones are the worst distractions known to exist right now.Speaking while driving is a common problem that develops over time. But texting while driving is even worse.

Although there are many states that have bans or plans to use cell phones while driving, many people ignore those bans and continue to cause crashes and dangerous situations.So if you want a less disruptive driving experience and no temptation to answer the call, consider adding a cell phone jammer to your car. With a small storage radius that only covers your car and no other space, you will feel safe and comfortable during your trip.Distracted driving is known to be extremely emotional. It could be your parents calling, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or some other important call.

When you speak with your headset, your hands are free and you are looking straight. If this is your cell phone or smartphone, one hand is free and you're still looking straight. However, your attention is diverted.Mobile jammers have become a necessity of social culture. Some hospitals and movie theaters need to remain silent. Of course, there are some good mobile phones that can interfere with mobile users.For the first time, WiFi Scrambler were used to eliminate telephone calls between terrorists and other criminals. The GPS device transmits the output signal to the GPS satellite.