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Admin 2021-09-27 cell phone jammers

The United States is a country at the forefront of all innovations in technology, security or everything else.The best of these modern tools is that tracking activities are performed in secret without notifying the device user.Now everyone knows that government agencies in the United States and other developed countries have successfully manufactured advanced instruments that can track information from smartphones, tablets and gadgets. The instrument has the ability to secretly act as a mobile tower without warning users of the truth.However, it is clear that new technologies will not work if the smartphone is in standby mode.

With a dirt box, the plane can find the suspect and determine its exact location within a distance of 10 feet. In addition, personal information of smartphone users such as messages, emails, notes, images and videos can be recovered from phones and tablets. There is a way out of surveillance: it uses a cell phone jammer. The bin is about 2 feet in size and its operation is really interesting. In fact, it tricks the phone into providing the best network or signal and automatically connects to the device. Since the phone has been programmed to automatically connect to the best signal possible without the user having to issue any commands, the owner does not know.


The box collects information about smartphones and other gadgets to track suspects, and the process works without the help of a network operator. In addition to information about the suspect, the Dust Bin collects information about other people, but it will be deleted later. We know that this latest technology is more advanced and successful than other previous government innovations. The U.S. military uses this technology to gather information about personnel in and around the theater. Even marshals in the United States use this device to locate criminals, including killers and drug dealers. Therefore, it is very important to protect your location information.