Product Description:
The signal jammer blocker can block all cell phone frequencies,including GSM,CDMA,DCS,3G,4G.Moreover,you can select it to jam the WiFi and GPS,or jamming UHF/VHF frequency model type.The radius of the jammer is in the range of 50 meters depending on the communication signal strength.
It is a nemesis of all signals and is commonly used in many places.Thus this high power jammer can be used in the school examination room,court,hospital and office etc.With a high heat dissipation performance,it can work for a long time stablely.
Frequencies Supported:
- CDMA : 870 - 880MHz
- GSM : 930 - 960MHz
- DCS / PHS : 1805 - 1918MHz
- 3G : 2110 - 2170 MHz
- 4G : 2345 - 2400 MHz / 2620 - 2690 MHz
- GPS : 1570 - 1580MHz
- WIFI 2.4G : 2400 - 2500MHz
- VHF : 135 - 174MHz
- UHF : 400 - 470MHz
- Power: 13.8 W
- Power supply: AC power adapter
- Weight : 2500kg
- Dimensions : 305 x 140 x 50mm
- Jamming radius: up to 50 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)
Please note that the jammer is only available to jam up to 6 defferent frequencies mentioned above at the same time.
Product Images: